An Instruction Inflation Analyzing Framework for Dynamic Binary Translators

Xie Benyi1,2(谢本壹)
🧑Yan Yue1,2, 🧑Yan Chenghao1,2, 🧑Tao Sicheng3, 🧑Zhang Zhuangzhuang3, 🧑Li Xinyu1,2, 🧑Lan Yanzhi1,2, 🧑Wu Xiang1,2, 👨Liu Tianyi4, 👩Zhang Tingting1,5, 👨‍🏫Zhang Fuxin1,2
计算所1 , 国科大2 , 中科大3 , UTSA4 , 龙芯5

ChinaSys 2024 2024.6.16


  1. TOC
  2. Background
  3. Problem
  4. Related Work
  5. Design
  6. Evaluation
  7. Application
  8. Summary

2 Background

Dynamic Binary Translator (DBT)

Translation Block (TB): control-transfer-ended instruction block

Insn ** trans(Insn *ginsn) {
  switch (ginsn->op_type) {
    case X86_ADD: case X86_SUB:
      return trans_addsub(ginsn);
    case X86_MOV:
      return trans_mov(ginsn);
    case X86_CALL:
      return trans_call(ginsn);
    // other cases ...

2.1 Overview: DBTs




  • Migration
  • Instrumentation
  • Optimization

Regardless of various usages,


is the primary design metric for all DBTs.

3 Research Problem: Performance


Real world DBTs(computational workloads)



3.1 How to characterize performance?


uArch: OoO, Multi-Iussed

DBT Translated_code/Total
ExaGear 99.44%
Rosetta2 99.63%
LATX 99.87%
Box64 98.9%
FEX 99.65%
QEMU 99.93



Higher inflation indicates greater performance slowdown.

4.1 Manual Analysis: Ottoni etc


  • Ottoni G, Hartin T, Weaver C, et al. Harmonia: A transparent, efficient, and harmonious dynamic binary translator targeting the Intel® architecture [C]//Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers. 2011: 1-10.
  • Systematic
  • Coarse-garined
  • Need source code

4.2 Micro Benchmarks: Fog’s testp

dec r12d



  • Fog A. X86-64 instruction test programs (testp) [EB/OL]. 2023.
  • Fog A. 4. Instruction tables: Lists of instruction latencies, throughputs and micro-operation breakdowns for Intel, AMD, and VIA CPUs [Z]. 2022.
  • Fine-grained (instruction-level)
  • Designed for uArch
  • Lacks systematicity

5 Design

An Instruction Inflation Analyzing Framework for DBT: Deflater

Reductionism is the view that a complex system is just the sum of its parts.

  • Systematic
  • Fine-grained (instruction-level)

5.1 Mathematical Model

Observation: To preserve the guest’s precise exception, practical software-based DBTs tend not to employ optimizations that could potentially break instruction boundaries.

\[ Inflation = \frac{\#insts_{host}}{\#insts_{guest}} \] \[ = \frac{ \sum_i[\mathcal{E} inst_i \times \textrm{inf}({inst_i})] - \sum_j [\mathcal{E} TB_j \times \textrm{opt}(TB_j)] - \epsilon }{\sum_i\mathcal{E} inst_i} \]

5.2 BenchMIAOes & InflatSim

BenchMIAOes(Micro benchmarks)

<insts> /* repeat R times */
dec <L> /* loop L times */
jne LOOP

\[ inflation \approx \frac{\#insts_{host\_perf}}{R \times L} \]

InflatSim(Trace-based simulator)

Like a non-functional DBT.


6 Evaluation Setups

DBT Company Version Guest Host
ExaGear Huawei x86_64 Linux Kunpeng (ARMv8.2-A) Linux
Rosetta2 Apple 289.7 x86_64 Linux M-series (ARMv8.5-A) Linux
LATX Loongson 1.3.0 x86_64 Linux LoongArch Linux
QEMU - 8.0.0 x86_64 Linux AArch64 Linux

6.1 Evaluation: Instruction Inflation

Dynamic code inflation of instructions extracted by BenchMIAOes from DBTs.

Dyn_Inst%: mov 17.32%, movss/d 14.26%, jcc 9.72%, add/subss/d 9.50%, add/sub 8.83%, cmp/test 8.66%, muls/ps/d 8.40%, movsx/sxd/zx 3.95%, push/pop 3.00%, lea 2.96%, and/or/xor 2.13%, call/ret 1.67%, sh/sal/r 1.46%, …

  • QEMU: high inflation;
  • ExaGear, Rosetta2, LATX: inflation >1, ≈1, <1.

6.2 Evaluation: Optimizations

Dead code elimination. If the %rdx is unused, DBT does not calculate the product’s higher bits.

Address pre-calculation. If the same address is used multiple times, DBT pre-calculates the address.

6.3 Evaluation: Overall

7 Application: Opt Workflows

The DBT optimization workflows without the guide of Deflater (left), and with the guide of Deflater (right).



7.1 Application: Opt QEMU

A Potential Optimization

Simulation SLOC time
Deflater trace ≈400 hours
Real Implement functional ≈8000 weeks


Before Opt CINT2017 CFP2017 Error
Deflater 9.97 28.63 -
Real 9.87 28.50 6.61%

After Opt CINT2017 CFP2017 Error
Deflater 1.58 1.60 -
Real 1.62 1.55 4.64%

Result CINT2017 CFP2017 Error
Inflation Reduced 83.59% 94.56% 4.64%
Performance x2.99 x7.12 -

8 Summary

  • An inflation analyzing framework: Deflater
    • A mathematical model
    • A collection of Micro Benchmarks: BenchMIAOes
    • A inflation simulator: InflatSim
  • Analyzed 3 commercial DBTs 1 open-source DBT
    • High correlation
    • Low simulation error
  • Applied to QEMU optimization
    • Efficient simulation
    • Accurate suggestion

9 🎉Thanks🎉


10 Backup

An Instruction Inflation Analyzing Framework for DBTs ・ Xie Benyi, etc. ・