binutils's ld and gcc's ld collsion

Background: I want to install gcc and objdump, where objdump is contained in binutils. Home-manager tolds me gcc's ld collides with binutils's ld. As I explore into gcc and binutils, weird thing comes.

Packages binutils and gcc both contain ld executable. binutils and gcc has the same priority 10.

The WEIRD thing is,

  • binutils wants to have a lower priority than gcc-wrapper, so sets its priority to 10, see nixpkgs: pkgs/development/tools/misc/binutils/default.nix

    Give binutils a lower priority than gcc-wrapper to prevent a collision due to the ld/as wrappers/symlinks in the latter.

  • Both gcc wrapper and all-packages set gcc priority to 10, see nixpkgs: pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix and pkgs/build-support/cc-wrapper/default.nix All-packages set priority by lowPrio function, which will set priority to 10. Cc-wrapper directly set priority to 10.

As a result, binutils will definitely collide with gcc!

My solution: assign binutils a lower priority, like this

home.packages = with pkgs; [
  (lib.setPrio # higher value, less prior
    (bintools-unwrapped.meta.priority + 1)