winshift-nvim: rearrange windows

{ config, pkgs, stdenv, lib, ... }:
  my-winshift-nvim = {
    plugin = pkgs.vimPlugins.winshift-nvim;
    type = "lua";
    config = ''
      -- Lua
        highlight_moving_win = true,  -- Highlight the window being moved
        focused_hl_group = "Visual",  -- The highlight group used for the moving window
        -- moving_win_options = {
        --   -- These are local options applied to the moving window while it's
        --   -- being moved. They are unset when you leave Win-Move mode.
        --   wrap = true,
        --   cursorline = false,
        --   cursorcolumn = false,
        --   colorcolumn = "",
        -- },
        keymaps = {
          disable_defaults = false, -- Disable the default keymaps
          win_move_mode = {
            ["h"] = "left",
            ["j"] = "down",
            ["k"] = "up",
            ["l"] = "right",
            ["H"] = "far_left",
            ["J"] = "far_down",
            ["K"] = "far_up",
            ["L"] = "far_right",
            ["<left>"] = "left",
            ["<down>"] = "down",
            ["<up>"] = "up",
            ["<right>"] = "right",
            ["<S-left>"] = "far_left",
            ["<S-down>"] = "far_down",
            ["<S-up>"] = "far_up",
            ["<S-right>"] = "far_right",
        ---A function that should prompt the user to select a window.
        ---The window picker is used to select a window while swapping windows with
        ---`:WinShift swap`.
        ---@return integer? winid # Either the selected window ID, or `nil` to
        ---   indicate that the user cancelled / gave an invalid selection.
        window_picker = function()
          return require("winshift.lib").pick_window({
            -- A string of chars used as identifiers by the window picker.
            picker_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890",
            filter_rules = {
              -- This table allows you to indicate to the window picker that a window
              -- should be ignored if its buffer matches any of the following criteria.
              cur_win = true, -- Filter out the current window
              floats = true,  -- Filter out floating windows
              filetype = {},  -- List of ignored file types
              buftype = {},   -- List of ignored buftypes
              bufname = {},   -- List of vim regex patterns matching ignored buffer names
            ---A function used to filter the list of selectable windows.
            ---@param winids integer[] # The list of selectable window IDs.
            ---@return integer[] filtered # The filtered list of window IDs.
            filter_func = nil,

      vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-W>m', '<Cmd>WinShift<CR>')
in {
  programs.neovim = {
    plugins = [