

引用该文章的好多文章都是在讲低功耗的事情。 大家并没太去挖掘二进制翻译和硬件配合的事情。


  • 为了跑Microsoft Word根本不需要全系统模拟


  • 简单且有吸引力的概念吸引投资
    • Code morphing
    • "amoeba"
  • 人脉
    • My being old helped,” Laird said. (He is 44.) “I’ve been around a long time; I know a lot of people.”

    • Ditzel also had a lot of contacts. “I had worked at Bell Labs,” he told Spectrum, “and when you work there, you tend to get invited to lots of places to see their secret projects. I had been doing a lot of work for IEEE and ACM [Association for Computing Machinery] on conferences, and I had gone to school with people who had gone on to be professors at universities. So I was able to just pick up the phone and call the right people.”

  • 保密招聘
    • little information to their prospective hires — just that they had a new company and were doing something really cool and new in computer architecture.

    • a nondisclosure agreement

  • 招到了领域经验
    • Guillermo Rozas的例子
    • Stephen Herrod的例子
  • 1996年 员工几百人
    • after some hundred people on board

    • 招了30个左右研究生

  • 考虑不周,Unix性能还行但Win95不行。又花一年解决问题。
    • Apparently Windows95 still had a lot of old 16-bit code in it, whereas Unix (as well as Windows NT) used a flat memory model with pure 32-bit code. Supporting 16-bit code was something that Transmeta had decided to offload into software.

  • 市场反馈,不需要电脑和服务器芯片,足够可。只需要手机芯片,因为大家都做的不好。
    • 所以尝试拿功耗来做卖点
      • They had not pitched this feature to venture capitalists, because, Ditzel said, it was impossible to know how significant the drop in power was going to be.

  • 晶体管少功耗低?并不合理的说法
    • if you have fewer transistors, you burn less power.