
Superset Disassembly: Statically Rewriting x86 Binaries Without Heuristics


Thus, nearly all static Intel CISC binary rewriters in the literature to date rely upon various strong assumptions about target binaries in order to successfully transform them. While each is suitable for particular applications, they each lack generality. End users cannot be confident of the correctness of the rewritten code, since many of the algorithms’ underlying assumptions can be violated in real-world binaries.


  1. 如何能够正确地反汇编所有代码(CISC变长,且和数据混合在一起,有难度);

    所谓的superset disassembly即是反汇编所有偏移处的代码(简单分析可知:指令数量<=二进制文件大小/1B)。


  2. 如何保证翻译出来的二进制与原二进制之间有相同的语义;

