Troubles in Gem5

undefined reference to create() const

Take DummyDecoder for example. DummyDecoder derives from InstDecoder.



The declaration and definition of create() is build/X86/params/DummyDecoder.hh, build/X86/python/_m5/

TODO: is_constructible_v

Case1: Undefined pure virtual function

If there are undefined pure virtual funtions in cpp simobject, like

class DummyDecoder : public InstDecoder
    DummyDecoder(const DummyDecoderParams &p) :
        InstDecoder(p, (uint64_t *)NULL)

The following two functions are pure virtual function in InstDecoder.

class InstDecoder : public SimObject
  void moreBytes(const PCStateBase &pc, Addr fetchPC) = 0;
  StaticInstPtr decode(PCStateBase &pc) = 0;

If not define them in DummyDecoder, compiler (gcc) won't throw error at compile time, undefined reference to create() const will pop out at link time.