decoding in gem5



  • src/cpu/o3/;

    void Fetch::fetch(bool &status_change) {
      while (numInst < fetchWidth && fetchQueue[tid].size() < fetchQueueSize
        && !predictedBranch && !quiesce) {
        staticInst = dec_ptr->decode(this_pc);
    • src/arch/x86/decoder.hh:

      void moreBytes(const PCStateBase &pc, Addr fetchPC) override
      • src/arch/x86/

        void Decoder::process() {...}

        process() actually use a state machine to decode. The decoded info will be stored in class Docoder's member variable ExtMachInst emi. process() only decode format, opcode decode will be done in Decoder::decode(...) later.

    • src/arch/x86/

      StaticInstPtr Decoder::decode(PCStateBase &next_pc)
        si = decode(emi, origPC);
        return si;
      • src/arch/x86/

        Decoder::decode(ExtMachInst mach_inst, Addr addr)
          si = decodeInst(mach_inst);
          return si;
        • build/X86/arch/x86/generated/

          X86ISA::Decoder::decodeInst(X86ISA::ExtMachInst) {
            using namespace X86ISAInst;
            switch (LEGACY_LOCK) {
              case 0x0:
              switch (OPCODE_TYPE) {
                case X86ISA::OneByteOpcode:
                switch (OPCODE_OP_TOP5) {
                  case 0x17:
                  return new x86_macroop::MOV_R_I(machInst,
                      (OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 | (REX_B << 3)),
                      0, OPSIZE, ADDRSIZE, STACKSIZE
          • build/X86/arch/x86/generated/

            x86_macroop::MOV_R_I::MOV_R_I(ExtMachInst machInst, EmulEnv _env)
              : Macroop("mov", machInst, 1, _env)
              microops[0] = (StaticInstPtr)(new Xamovi(machInst,
                macrocodeBlock, (1ULL << StaticInst::IsMicroop) |
                  (1ULL << StaticInst::IsFirstMicroop) |
                  (1ULL << StaticInst::IsLastMicroop),
                X86ISA::GpRegIndex(env.reg), adjustedImm, env.dataSize));


Take Inst::MOV(['Eb', 'Gb'],{}) for an example.

  • build/X86/arch/x86/generated/

    return new x86_macroop::MOV_R_R(machInst, EmulEnv((MODRM_RM | (REX_B << 3)),
      (MODRM_REG | (REX_R << 3)),
    • src/arch/x86/emulenv.hh:

      EmulEnv(RegIndex _reg, RegIndex _regm,
          int _dataSize, int _addressSize, int _stackSize) :
        reg(_reg), regm(_regm), seg(SEGMENT_REG_DS),
        scale(0), index(INTREG_T0),
        dataSize(_dataSize), addressSize(_addressSize),

    Here EmulEnv._reg and EmulEnv._regm is assigned with 4-bit reg index, which is pure, is directly decode from x86 inst.

    • build/X86/arch/x86/generated/

      microops[0] = new Mov(machInst, macrocodeBlock,
                  (1ULL << StaticInst::IsMicroop) | (1ULL << StaticInst::IsFirstMicroop) | (1ULL << StaticInst::IsLastMicroop), env.dataSize, 0, X86ISA::GpRegIndex(env.reg), X86ISA::GpRegIndex(env.reg), X86ISA::GpRegIndex(env.regm));

      Here Mov(...) receives 4-bit reg index as args without any modification.

      • build/X86/arch/x86/generated/

        template <typename ...Args>
        Mov(ExtMachInst mach_inst, const char *inst_mnem,
                uint64_t set_flags, uint8_t data_size, uint16_t _ext,
                Args... args) :
            X86ISA::RegOpT<X86ISA::FoldedDestOp, X86ISA::FoldedSrc1Op, X86ISA::FoldedSrc2Op>(mach_inst, "mov", inst_mnem, set_flags,
                    IntAluOp, { args... }, data_size, _ext)
        • src/arch/x86/insts/microregop.hh:

          using RegOpT = InstOperands<RegOpBase, Operands...>;

          Therefore, constructor of RegOpT actually calls InstOperands,

        • src/arch/x86/insts/microop_args.hh:

          template <typename Base, typename ...Operands>
          class InstOperands : public Base, public Operands...
            template <std::size_t ...I, typename ...CTorArgs>
            InstOperands(std::index_sequence<I...>, ExtMachInst mach_inst,
                    const char *mnem, const char *inst_mnem, uint64_t set_flags,
                    OpClass op_class, [[maybe_unused]] ArgTuple args,
                    CTorArgs... ctor_args) :
                Base(mach_inst, mnem, inst_mnem, set_flags, op_class, ctor_args...),
                Operands(this, std::get<I>(args))...

          Here, Base is RegOpBase, Operands are FoldedDestOp, FoldedSrc1Op, FoldedSrc2Op. All of their constructor are called.

          • src/arch/x86/insts/microregop.hh:

            class RegOpBase : public X86MicroopBase
               RegOpBase(ExtMachInst mach_inst, const char *mnem, const char *inst_mnem,
                       uint64_t set_flags, OpClass op_class, uint8_t data_size,
                       uint16_t _ext) :
                   X86MicroopBase(mach_inst, mnem, inst_mnem, set_flags, op_class),
                   ext(_ext), dataSize(data_size),
                   foldOBit((data_size == 1 && !mach_inst.rex.present) ? 1 << 6 : 0)

            foldOBit is initialized for every potential a/b/c/dh registers. TODO: why not determine a/b/c/dh registers here?

          • src/arch/x86/insts/microop_args.hh:

            using FoldedDestOp = FoldedOp<DestOp>;

            FoldedDestOp derives from FoldedOp.

            template <class Base>
            struct FoldedOp : public Base
                template <class InstType>
                FoldedOp(InstType *inst, ArgType idx) :
                    Base(INTREG_FOLDED(idx.index, inst->foldOBit), inst->dataSize)

            Base is DestOp. The reg index passed to DestOp is modified by INTREG_FOLDED.

            • src/arch/x86/regs/int.hh:

              inline static IntRegIndex
              INTREG_FOLDED(int index, int foldBit)
                  if ((index & 0x1C) == 4 && foldBit)
                      index = (index - 4) | foldBit;
                  return (IntRegIndex)index;

              According to 2020.amd64.pdf: Table 1-10 a/b/c/dh is decoded as 0b1xx.

              Therefore, INTREG_FOLDED transform a/b/c/dh reg index to 0b10000xx. 0bxx is the unified with ra/b/c/dx encoding.