
Cache in Gem5

No out-of-box l3cache support in se.py, only l1&l2cache.

tag/data/response latency


tag_latency = Param.Cycles("Tag lookup latency")
data_latency = Param.Cycles("Data access latency")
response_latency = Param.Cycles("Latency for the return path on a miss");


  • src/mem/cache/cache.cc:

    void Cache::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt) {
      /// TODO:
      // a cache above us (but not where the packet came from) is
      // responding to the request, in other words it has the line
      // in Modified or Owned state
    • src/mem/cache/base.cc:

      void BaseCache::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt) {
        Cycles lat;
        CacheBlk *blk = nullptr;
        bool satisfied = false;
            PacketList writebacks;
            // Note that lat is passed by reference here. The function
            // access() will set the lat value.
            satisfied = access(pkt, blk, lat, writebacks);
            // After the evicted blocks are selected, they must be forwarded
            // to the write buffer to ensure they logically precede anything
            // happening below
            doWritebacks(writebacks, clockEdge(lat + forwardLatency));
      • src/mem/cache/base.cc:

        bool BaseCache::access(PacketPtr pkt, CacheBlk *&blk, Cycles &lat, PacketList &writebacks) {
          Cycles tag_latency(0);
          blk = tags->accessBlock(pkt, tag_latency);
          if (pkt->isRead()) {
            lat = calculateAccessLatency(blk, pkt->headerDelay, tag_latency);

        Firstly, tag_latency is calculated in accessBlock as below. Then, access latency is calculated.

        • src/mem/cache/tags/base_set_assoc.hh:

          CacheBlk* accessBlock(const PacketPtr pkt, Cycles &lat) override {
            CacheBlk *blk = findBlock(pkt->getAddr(), pkt->isSecure());
            lat = lookupLatency;
            return blk;

Coherence Protocol

Ref: 2011.consistency_coherence..slca..pdf

2 classes of coherence protocols

  • snooping

    Snooping protocols are based on one idea: all coherence controllers observe (snoop) coherence re- quests in the same order and collectively “do the right thing” to maintain coherence.

  • directory