

Clean Room

NEC v. Intel



  • 对商业机密无知的程序员

Daniel R. Siegel, a litigation associate with the firm rep- resenting NEC in the instant litigation with Intel, originally conceived of the clean room n15 and served as its gatekeeper. any microcode designed to execute the instruction set from the Intel 8086/88 microprocessors.'

  • 分离商业机密知晓/无知的人,记录所有交流

Mr. Davidian created the microcode his home (the clean room in this instance). i 9 All communications between him and the specification group were in writing, and those writings were saved for use at trial.

  • gatekeeper

Daniel R. Siegel, a litigation associate with the firm rep- resenting NEC in the instant litigation with Intel, originally conceived of the clean room n15 and served as its gatekeeper. 翻译:丹尼尔·R·西格尔(Daniel R. Siegel)是代表NEC与英特尔进行即时诉讼的公司的诉讼助理,他最初设想了洁净室并担任其看门人。