路径 题目(缩) 作者(缩) 发表(缩) 引用 团队 概括 题目

Algo 2010 heap_alloc wang cgo 16 武成岗
On Improving Heap Memory Layout by Dynamic Pool Allocation

Algo 2010 mem_bandwidth_sched xu pact 67 武成岗
On Mitigating Memory Bandwidth Contention through Bandwidth-Aware Scheduling

Algo 2011 heap_alloc 王振江 计算机学报 1 武成岗

Algo 2012 on_the_fly_heap_object_split wang taco 11 武成岗
On-the-fly Structure Splitting for Heap Objects

Algo 2012 fair_sched xu sigmetrics 23 武成岗
Providing Fairness on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors via Process Scheduling

Algo 2013 identify_sync yuan europar 6 武成岗
Synchronization Identification through On-the-fly Test

Algo 2014 calling_context_encode li cgo 5 武成岗
Dynamic and Adaptive Calling Context Encoding
N Algo 2014 eflags wwwang
8 武成岗
A pattern translation method for flags in binary translation

Algo 2014 locate_share_mem_bug wwwang ase 12 武成岗
Localization of Concurrency Bugs Using Shared Memory Access Pairs

Algo 2015 fair_sched wu tpds 13 武成岗
FPS: A Fair-Progress Process Scheduling Policy on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

Algo 2015 reproduce_concurrency_bug yuan icse 9 武成岗
ReCBuLC: Reproducing Concurrency Bugs Using Local Clocks

Algo 2018 reproduce_concurrency_bug wang tse 1 武成岗
Using Local Clocks to Reproduce Concurrency Bugs

analysis 2017 并行程序 黄小敏 master_thesis

W analysis 2019 x64_inst_statistics akshintala systor 3 unc
x86-64 Instruction Usage among C/C++ Applications

Arch/HT 2005 cell kahle ibmjrd 1093

Arch/HT 2007 cell_boradband johns ibmjrd 105

Arch/HT 2012 process_migration devuyst asplos 83

Arch/HT 2014 isa_explore venkat isca 112

Arch/HT 2015 overview mitra jip 15

Arch/HT 2016 process_migration lyerly mars 5

Arch/HT 2018 process_migration venkat doc_thesis 5

Arch/HT 2019 composite_isa venkat hpca 17

Composite-ISA Cores: Enabling Multi-ISA Heterogeneity Using a Single ISA

Arch/HT 2020 byoc_framework balkind asplos 3

Arch/reconf 1997 chimaera hauck fccm 461

The Chimaera Reconfigurable Functional Unit

Arch/reconf 2004 conf_acc clark micro 186

Application-Specific Processing on a General-Purpose Core via Transparent Instruction Set Customization
? Arch/reconf 2005 java beck ipdps 4 ufrgs
Application of Binary Translation to Java Reconfigurable Architectures
? Arch/reconf 2005 java beck dac 39 ufrgs
Dynamic Reconfiguration with Binary Translation: Breaking the ILP Barrier with Software Compatibilit

Arch/reconf 2008 reconf_acc beck date 97 ufrgs
Transparent Reconfigurable Acceleration for Heterogeneous Embedded Applications

Arch/reconf 2010 reconf_acc beck
32 ufrgs
Dynamic Reconfigurable Architectures and Transparent Optimization Techniques

Arch/VLIW 1981 trace_scheduling fisher tc 1333

Arch/VLIW 1984 vliw_intro fisher sigplan 102

Arch/VLIW 1988 vliw_trace_compiler colwell tc

Arch/VLIW 1988 software_pipeline lam sigplan 1107

BT 2010 qemu_opt_wine 刘奇 doc_thesis

BT 2020 bt_to_acc knorst sbcci 0 ufrgs
Unlocking the Full Potential of Heterogeneous Accelerators by Using a Hybrid Multi-Target Binary Translator

BT/algo 2003 delay_slot ramsey toplas 11 sun
A Transformational Approach to Binary Translation of Delayed Branches

BT/algo 2004 bitra_digital_bridge 马湘宁 doc_thesis

BT/algo/code_cache 2005 cache 谢海斌 计算机工程 0 武成岗

BT/algo/flags 2005 eflags 马湘宁 计研发 2 武成岗

BT/algo 2006 simd_opt li cgo 31 intel
Optimizing Dynamic Binary Translation for SIMD Instructions

BT/algo/excp 2006 excp_handle 唐锋 计研发 1 武成岗

BT/algo 2006 lib 杨浩 计研发 0 武成岗

BT/algo/flags 2007 eflags_dyn 唐锋 软件学报 1 武成岗

BT/algo 2008 cam li amasbt
A New Replacement Algorithm on Content Associative Memory for Binary Translation System

BT/algo 2008 prefetch_opt ukezono acsac 1 jaist
Dynamic Binary Code Translation for Data Prefetch Optimization

BT/algo/indirect_jump 2008 branch 陈龙 计研发 1 武成岗

BT/algo/indirect_jump 2010 indirect_jump payer systor 23 ethz table driven不是亮点? Generating low-overhead dynamic binary translators

BT/algo/reg 2011 stack_var_to_register li cgo 9 武成岗
Dynamic Register Promotion of Stack Variables

BT/algo 2011 misaligned_access li taco 0 武成岗
Efficient and Effective Misaligned Data Access Handling in a Dynamic Binary Translation System

BT/algo 2011 simd_opt michel date 21 tima
Speeding-up SIMD instructions Dynamic Binary Translation in Embedded Processor Simulation

BT/algo 2011 loop_nest_detect sato cf 17 jaist
On-the-fly detection of precise loop nests across procedures on a dynamic binary translation system

BT/algo/indirect_jump 2012 indirect_jump_sys koju systor 8 ibm
Optimizing indirect branches in a system-level dynamic binary translator

BT/algo 2012 multicore_opt kyle lctes 9 ed
Efficiently parallelizing instruction set simulation of embedded multi-core processors using region-based just-in-time dynamic binary translation

BT/algo 2012 trans_vliw michel
7 tima
Fast Simulation of Systems Embedding VLIW Processors

BT/algo 2012 sys_background_opt sokolov pcs 2

Background optimization in full system binary translation
W BT/algo 2015 post_opt zhang cgo 17 lx
HERMES: A Fast Cross-ISA Binary Translator with Post-Optimization

BT/algo/indirect_jump 2016 static_identify_jump_target federico cases 9

A jump-target identification method for multi-architecturestatic binary translation

BT/algo/code_cache 2016 code_cache_persistent wwwang usenix 15 umn 这也能水 A General Persistent Code Caching Framework for Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT)

BT/algo 2017 plugin gritschneder rsp 10 tum
The Extendable Translating Instruction Set Simulator (ETISS) interlinked with an MDA Framework for fast RISC Prototyping

BT/algo 2017 trans_vliw michel tcad 1 tima
Dynamic Binary Translation of VLIW Codes on Scalar Architectures

BT/algo/flags 2017 eflags_by_dbg_hw salgado esl 5 uminho
Condition Codes Evaluation on Dynamic Binary Translation for Embedded Platforms

BT/algo 2019 opt_decision park tecs 0 umich
Multi-objective Exploration for Practical Optimization Decisions in Binary Translation

BT/algo 2021 inline_helper wwwang iccc 1 uga 这也能水 Helper function inlining in dynamic binary translation

BT/algo/bt_rules 1998 semantic_spec_lang cifuentes iwpc 57 uq
Specifying the Semantics of Machine Instructions

BT/algo/bt_rules 2006 peephole_superopt bansal asplos 134 stanford
Automatic Generation of Peephole Superoptimizers
W BT/algo/bt_rules 2008 peephole_superopt bansal osdi 78 stanford
Binary Translation Using Peephole Superoptimizers

BT/algo/bt_rules 2010 isamap souza amasbt 8 unicamp
ISAMAP: Instruction Mapping Driven by Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/algo/bt_rules 2017 isa_desc_lang bezzubikov ispras 2 ispras 提出一个isa描述语言 Automatic Dynamic Binary Translator Generation from Instruction Set Description

BT/algo/bt_rules 2018 learn wwwang asplos 11 umn learn from compiler Enhancing Cross-ISA DBT Through Automatically Learned Translation Rules

BT/algo/bt_rules 2019 learn song usenix 5 复旦
Unleashing the Power of Learning: An Enhanced Learning-Based Approach for Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/algo/bt_rules 2020 learn jiang micro 3 复旦
More with Less - Deriving More Translation Rules with Less Training Data for DBTs Using Parameterization

BT/algo/offload 2010 distribit guan hpdc 5 上交
DistriBit: A Distributed Dynamic Binary Translator System for Thin Client Computing

BT/algo/offload 2011 jit_task_farm bohm pldi 56 ed
Generalized Just-In-Time Trace Compilation using a Parallel Task Farm in a Dynamic Binary Translator

BT/algo/offload 2017 by_hqemu wwwang mobisys 20 umn
Enabling Cross-ISA Offloading for COTS Binaries

BT/algo/reg 2004 post_realloc zhang emsoft 8 gatech
Binary translation to improve energy efficiency through post-pass register re-allocation
X BT/algo/reg 2014 alloc choi
0 cbnu 题不对文 Chungbuk National University

BT/algo/smc 2015 detect hawkins cgo 24

Optimizing Binary Translation of Dynamically Generated Code

BT/algo/trace 1994 opt_profiling_tracing ball toplas 580

BT/algo/trace 1996 efficient_path_profiling ball micro 642

BT/algo/trace 2000 net duesterwald asplos 141

BT/algo/trace 2005 lei_net hiniker micro 39

BT/algo/trace 2005 edge_profile 白童心 计算机工程 2 武成岗

BT/algo/trace 2009 large_tb jones hipeac 49 ed
High Speed CPU Simulation Using LTU Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/algo/trace 2010 saving_space porto amasbt 7 unicamp record/replay trace, space--, time++ Trace Execution Automata in Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/algo 2012 dynamic_static guan jsa 5
inter-egde profiling, software cache layout

BT/algo/trace 2014 region_based spink lctes 9 ed
Efficient code generation in a region-based dynamic binary translator

BT/analysis 2008 cache_perf alvarez
13 virginia
Evaluating the Impact of Dynamic Binary Translation Systems on Hardware Cache Performance
W BT/analysis 2008 cold_code attrot amasbt 1

Cold Code Analysis

BT/perf 2008 overhead borin amasbt 8

Characterization of DBT Overhead

BT/perf 2009 overhead borin iiswc 26

Characterization of DBT Overhead

BT/analysis 2008 security chen amasbt 0
Guest & host security Impact of Dynamic Binary Translators on Security
W BT/analysis 2008 portable_interpretor mihocka amasbt 40

Virtualization Without Direct Execution or Jitting: Designing a Portable Virtual Machine Infrastructure

BT/analysis/mem 2009 eval_misaligned_access li cgo 4

An Evaluation of Misaligned Data Access Handling Mechanisms in Dynamic Binary Translation Systems
W BT/analysis/mem 2010 mem_bottleneck kim amasbt 5 columbia
Computation vs. Memory Systems: Pinning Down Accelerator Bottlenecks

BT/analysis 2010 atomic neelakantam asplos 20 illinois
A real system evaluation of hardware atomicity for software speculation

BT/analysis 2011 hw_sw pavlou amasbt 13 upc
DARCO: Infrastructure for Research on HW/SW co-designed Virtual Machines

BT/analysis 2014 simulators_harm nowatki

BT/analysis 2015 虚拟机研究 靳国杰 post_thesis

BT/analysis 2018 atomic oni icias 0

Fine-Grained Overhead Analysis Utilizing Atomic Instructions for Cross-ISA Dynamic Binary Translation on Multicore Processor

BT/analysis 2020 perfdbt wu iccd 2

BT/application 2013 detect_unread_mem eyolfson rv 0 waterloo
Detecting Unread Memory Using Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/application 2013 hw_fault_sim guglielmo ets 5 univr
Efficient Fault Simulation through Dynamic Binary Translation for Dependability Analysis of Embedded Software

BT/dynamic 2000 uqdbt ung wcre 4 uq
Dynamic re-engineering of binary code with run-time feedbacks

BT/dynamic 2000 uqdbt ung
105 uq
Machine-Adaptable Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/dynamic 2000 aries zheng computer 125 hp
PA-RISC to IA-64: Transparent Execution, No Recompilation

BT/dynamic 2007 hdtrans sridhar carn 34 jhu
HDTrans: A Low-Overhead Dynamic Translator

BT/perf 2009 challenges_in_arm moore lctes 33 pitt
Addressing the challenges of DBT for the ARM architecture

BT/dynamic 2010 cycle_accurate bohm
39 ed
Cycle-accurate performance modelling in an ultra-fast just-in-time dynamic binary translation instruction set simulator

BT/dynamic 2011 harmonia ottoni cf 19 intel
Harmonia: A Transparent, Efficient, and Harmonious Dynamic Binary Translator Targeting the Intel Architecture
? BT/dynamic 2016 dbto ooi
hqemu比qemu慢60倍? Dual-Engine Corss-ISA DBTO Technique utilising MultiThreaded Support for Multicore Processor System

BT/dynamic 2017 mambox64 dantras pldi 18 manchester arm32 => arm64

BT/dynamic 2017 hypermambox64 dantras vee 9 manchester
HyperMAMBO-X64: Using virtualization to support high-performance transparent binary translation

BT/HQEMU 2012 hqemu hong cgo 88

BT/HQEMU 2013 hqemu hong doc_thesis 8

BT/HQEMU 2014 hqemu hong tpds 8

Efficient and Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translation on Multicores

BT/HW 2003 indirect_jump kim micro 44
ret addr stack, jmp target $ Hardware Support for Control Transfers in Code Caches
W ISA/Fusion/NonExec 2004 bt_fused_isa hu cgo 43 wisc
Using Dynamic Binary Translation to Fuse Dependent Instructions
W BT/HW 2006 startup_opt hu isca 29 wisc
Reducing Startup Time in Co-Designed Virtual Machines
? BT/HW 2008 coprocessor li amasbt 3 上交 dedicated coproc (FPGA) A hardware/software co-designed virtual machine to support multiple ISAs

BT/HW 2010 一核执行一核翻译fpga 徐帆 master_thesis 0 国防科大

BT/HW 2012 控制转移 郝守青 高通 0 龙芯
? BT/HW 2009 godson3_x86_emu hu
9 lx
Efficient Binary Translation System with Low Hardware Cost
? BT/HW 2009 godson3_x86_emu hu micro 84 lx

BT/HW 2012 cam he
3 ndsc
Hardware/software co-design of Dynamic Binary Translation in X86 Emulation

BT/HW 2015 融合指令集 胡伟武 中国科学

BT/HW 2019 peripheral_acc gomes icit 0 uminho
Non-Intrusive Hardware Acceleration for Dynamic Binary Translation in Embedded Systems

BT/HW/codeCache 2007 scratchpad_mem baiocchi cases 20 pitt
Fragment Cache Management for Dynamic Binary Translators in Embedded Systems with Scratchpad

BT/HW/codeCache 2009 scratchpad_mem baiocchi dac 12 pitt
Heterogeneous code cache: using scratchpad and main memory in dynamic binary translators

BT/HW/codeCache 2012 scratchpad_mem baiocchi tecs 6 pitt
Enabling dynamic binary translation in embedded systems with scratchpad memory

BT/HW/codeCache 2018 hw_assist salgado etfa 2 uminho
A Hardware-assisted Translation Cache for Dynamic Binary Translation in Embedded Systems

BT/HW/reconf 2005 mem_opt oh iccad 2 kaist
Memory Access Optimization of Dynamic Binary Translation for Reconfigurable Architectures

BT/HW/reconf 2007 trans_binary_to_fpga mittal tvlsi 16 illinois
An Overview of a Compiler for Mapping Software Binaries to Hardware

BT/HW/reconf 2008 mem_opt_loop_pipeline oh tcad 5

Speculative Loop-Pipelining in Binary Translation for Hardware Acceleration

BT/HW/reconf 2008 trans_binary_to_fpga vahid computer 91 ucr
Warp Processing: Dynamic Translation of Binaries to FPGA Circuits

BT/HW/reconf 2013 multi_isa capella
1 ufrgs
A Multiple-ISA Reconfigurable Architecture
? BT/HW/reconf 2013 x86_mips_reconf junior jsa 4 ufrgs
Towards a multiple-ISA embedded system

BT/HW/reconf 2014 transparent_adaptive beck micpro 20 ufrgs
A transparent and adaptive reconfigurable system

BT/HW/reconf 2014 virt lo sbesc 0 ufrgs
Hardware Virtualization on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures

BT/HW/reconf 2014 bt_for_cgra mai ipdps 1 unist
Efficient Software-Based Runtime Binary Translation for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures

BT/HW/reconf 2016 analysis_parallelism brandalero daes 3 ufrgs
potential analysis of a superscalar core employing a reconfigurable array for improving instruction-level parallelism

BT/HW/reconf 2016 heterogeneous souza date 24 ufrgs
A Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Multicore with a Homogeneous ISA

BT/HW/reconf 2016 sched souza arc 0 ufrgs
Evaluating Schedulers in a Reconfigurable Multicore Heterogeneous System

BT/HW/reconf 2016 dbt_for_cgra watkins hpca 14 lafayette
Software Transparent Dynamic Binary Translation for Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures

BT/HW/reconf 2017 reuse_repeated_decode brandalero date 15 ufrgs
A Mechanism for Energy-efficient Reuse of Decoding and Scheduling of x86 Instruction Streams

BT/HW/VLIW 1999 bao sathaye
29 ibm
BOA: Targeting Multi-Gigahertz with Binary Translation

BT/HW/VLIW 2000 boa gschwind computer 113 ibm daisy后继者boa Dynamic and transparent binary translation

BT/HW/VLIW 2015 denver nvidia micro 36

BT/HW/VLIW 2019 hybrid_dbt rokicki tcad 2 rennes
Hybrid-DBT: Hardware/Software Dynamic Binary Translation Targeting VLIW

BT/HW/VLIW/crusoe 2000 transmeta halfhill


BT/HW/VLIW/crusoe 2000 crusoe klaiber transmeta 118 transmeta

BT/HW/VLIW/crusoe 2003 code_morph dehnert cgo 325 transmeta

X BT/HW/VLIW/crusoe 2014 v-isa dhaskat

V-ISA use in Transmeta Crusoe Processor

BT/HW/VLIW/daisy 1998 daisy ebcioglu iccd 32 ibm
An Eight-Issue Tree-VLIW Processor for Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/HW/VLIW/daisy 2000 daisy altman
2 ibm
Full System Binary Translation: RISC to VLIW

BT/HW/VLIW/daisy 2000 daisy_dbt_sys_debug altman
5 ibm
Simulation and Debugging of Full System Binary Translation
W BT/HW/VLIW/daisy 2000 arch_convergence gschwind ics 19 ibm 好像“融合指令集”,笑 Binary translation and architecture convergence issues for IBM system/390

BT/HW/VLIW/daisy 2001 daisy ebcioglu tc 138 ibm
Dynamic binary translation and optimization

BT/kernel 2012 instrument feiner asplos 54 toronto
Comprehensive kernel instrumentation via dynamic binary translation

BT/kernel 2012 light_weight lee icuimc 0 skku
DyKA: Light-weight Dynamic Kernel Analyzing Framework Based on Binary Translation Method
W BT/kernel 2013 fast kedia sosp 18 iitd 不翻译用户指令,非首创 Fast Dynamic Binary Translation for the Kernel

BT/kernel 2013 light_weight lee tjsc 3 skku
Light-weight kernel instrumentation framework using dynamic binary translation
W BT/lift 2010 x86_to_c makankov iccit 0 ku
Implementation of x86 Binary-to-C Translator by Using GNU Tools
W BT/lift 2018 rnn_snippet katz saner 20 cmu lift snippet by RNN Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Decompilation
W BT/lift/IR 2015 learn_compiler hasabnis amasbt 5 sbu
Automatic Generation of Assembly to IR Translators Using Compilers

BT/lift/IR 2017 arm_to_llvm shigenobu
5 utsunomiya
A Translation Method of ARM Machine Code to LLVM-IR for Binary Code Parallelization and Optimization

BT/lift/IR/mcsema 2019 mcsema_dyninst korencik

BT/lift/IR/mctoll 2019 mctoll yadavalli lctes 5 microsoft
Raising Binaries to LLVM IR with MCTOLL (WIP Paper)

BT/lift/IR 2020 instrew_llvm engelke vee 3 tum
Instrew: leveraging LLVM for high performance dynamic binary instrumentation

BT/lift/IR 2020 runtime_llvm_opt engelke
0 tum
Robust Practical Binary Optimization at Run-time using LLVM

BT/lift/IR/LLBT 2012 llbt bor-yeh cases 31 台交大

BT/lift/IR/LLBT 2013 auto_validation chen applc

BT/lift/IR/LLBT 2014 llbt bor-yeh taco 15 台交大

BT/lift/IR/LLBT 2014 llbt 沈柏晔 doc_thesis

BT/lift/IR/REVNG 2017 revng federico picc 39

BT/lift/IR/REVNG 2018 revng federico iccst 3

BT/lift/IR/REVNG 2019 revng gussoni

BT/Mem 2008 thread_safe_by_tm chung hpca 51 stanford
Thread-safe dynamic binary translation using transactional memory
W BT/Mem/atomic 2010 atomicity_opt borin cgo 12 intel
TAO: Two-level Atomicity for Dynamic Binary Optimizations

BT/Mem/atomic 2016 atomic rigo ecms 6

BT/oldProj 1993 mips2alphaaxp sites cacm 267

Binary Translation

BT/oldProj 1995 tibbit cogswell
4 cmu
Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems

BT/oldProj 1997 fx32 hookway dtj 147

DIGITAL FX!32: Combining Emulation and Binary Translation

BT/oldProj 1998 fx32 chernoff micro 217

FX!32 A Profile-Directed Binary Translator

BT/oldProj 1999 dynamo bala

Transparent Dynamic Optimization: The Design and Implementation of Dynamo

BT/oldProj 2000 dynamo bala pldi 514

BT/oldProj 2002 walkabout cifuentes
63 sun
Walkabout: A Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translation Framework

BT/oldProj 2003 ia32el baraz micro 291
到itanium, super block opt IA-32 Execution Layer: a two-phase dynamic translator designed to support IA-32 applications on Itanium®-based systems

BT/oldProj 2004 rabit pramanik anss 1 buffalo
RABIT: A New Framework for Runtime Emulation and Binary Translation

BT/others 1996 reverse_engineer_env cifuentes wcre 15 uq
tegrated Reverse Engineering Environment of Binary Code

BT/others 2005 tdb_debugger kumar
13 pitt
Tdb: a source-level debugger for dynamically translated programs

BT/others 2010 behave_control sakai saint 0 kyushuu
Behavior Control based on Dynamic Code Translation

BT/others 2011 cmp_intel_transmeta ottoni cf 4 intel
AstroLIT: Enabling Simulation-based Microarchitecture Comparison Between Intel and Transmeta Designs

BT/overview 1996 static_dynamic_retarget cifuentes icsm 66 uq
Binary translation: static, dynamic, retargetable?

BT/overview 2000 chances altman

Welcome to the Opportunities of Binary Translation

BT/overview 2001 bt_opt_challenges altman pieee 38

BT/overview 2003 dbt_overview mark ukuug 23

BT/QEMU 2005 qemu bellard usenix 2217

BT/QEMU 2017 qemu_multi_cores cota cgo 8

BT/QEMU/target 2018 xilinx_microblaze yarza rapido 1 offis
Real-Time Capable Retargeting of Xilinx MicroBlaze Binaries using QEMU A Feasibility Study

BT/rewrite 2011 runtime_vectorize nakamura
8 tsukuba
Automatic Vectorization by Runtime Binary Translation

BT/rewrite 2012 verify_by_dbt becker dsn 8 paderborn
Binary Mutation Testing Through Dynamic Translation

BT/rewrite 2012 lldsal payer dsal 4 ethz 为BT的底层语言,需编译到客户程序 LLDSAL: a low-level domain-specific aspect language for dynamic code-generation and program modification

BT/rewrite 2013 static_no_extra_info smithson wcre 32 umd
Static Binary Rewriting without Supplemental Information

BT/rewrite 2017 ramblr wang ndss 71 ucsb
Ramblr: Making Reassembly Great Again

BT/rewrite 2018 superset_disassembly bauman ndss 40 utdallas
Superset Disassembly: Statically Rewriting x86 Binaries Without Heuristics
W BT/rewrite 2019 intro wenzl csur 16

From hack to elaborate technique - A survey on binary rewriting

BT/rewrite 2019 parallel_opt zhou vee 2 cam
The Janus triad: Exploiting parallelism through dynamic binary modification

BT/rewrite/instru 2005 pin luk pldi 3914 intel
Pin: building customized program analysis tools with dynamic instrumentation

BT/rewrite/instru 2009 mt hazelwood ismm 28

BT/rewrite/instru 2018 partial_bt haber systor 0 intel
Chaperone - Runtime System for Instrumenting Applications via Partial Binary Translation
? BT/rewrite/instru 2019 by_qemu cota vee 5 columbia 三个不相关的事情?
Fpu opt, multicore opt, instrument
Cross-ISA machine instrumentation using fast and scalable dynamic binary translation
W BT/rewrite/instru 2020 static dinesh snp 31 purdue
RetroWrite: Statically Instrumenting COTS Binaries for Fuzzing and Sanitization

BT/security 2010 malware_detect guo
26 ndsc
HERO: A novel malware detection framework based on binary translation

BT/security 2011 syscall payer vee 63 ethz
Fine-grained user-space security through virtualization

BT/security 2020 timing_side_channel napoli
0 unicamp
Evaluation and Mitigation of Timing Side-Channel Leakages on Multiple-Target Dynamic Binary Translators

BT/static 1999 uqbt cifuentes wcre 46 uq
The design of a resourceable and retargetable binary translator

BT/static 2000 uqbt van

UQBT: Adaptable Binary Translation at Low Cost

BT/static 2002 virtual_method_detect troger wcre 18 uq
Analysis of virtual method invocation for binary translation

BT/static 2006 sbt angelone

BT/static 2008 arm_sbt jiunn-yeu odes 16

X BT/static 2018 riscv lupori hpcs 3 unicamp 难点都没解决,如简介跳转 Towards a High-Performance RISC-V Emulator

BT/sys 2010 embed kondoh vee 11 ibm
Dynamic binary translation specialized for embedded systems

BT/sys 2011 multicore almer
23 ed
Scalable Multi-Core Simulation Using Parallel Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/sys 2013 multicore almer ijpp 4 ed
A Parallel Dynamic Binary Translator for Efficient Multi-Core Simulation

BT/sys 2013 ppc_java kumar
2 ibm
Experiences with Dynamic Binary Translation in a Full System Simulator

BT/sys 2016 armv7 penneman jsa 6 ugent
Evaluation of dynamic binary translation techniques for full system virtualisation on ARMv7-A

BT/sys 2016 async_interrupt_handle spink lctes 1 ed
Efficient asynchronous interrupt handling in a full-system instruction set simulator

BT/sys 2019 dbtor_for_embed salgado icit 2 uminho
DBTOR: A Dynamic Binary Translation Architecture for Modern Embedded Systems

BT/Tarmac 2001 report sharp

A Dynamically Recompiling ARM Emulator

BT/test 2014 code_coverage guo date 0 武成岗
EATBit: Effective Automated Test for Binary Translation with High Code Coverage

BT/test 2017 sys_bench wagstaff ispass 4

SimBench: A Portable Benchmarking Methodology for Full-System Simulators

Build/Compiler/trans 2004 perform_goto 武成岗 软件学报 0 武成岗

CompatLayer 2006 linuxulator divacky freebsd

linux => freebsd Linux® emulation in FreeBSD

CompatLayer/UML 2006 user_mode_linux dike
User Mode Linux
W ISA 2013 power_of_risc_cisc blem hpca 144

W ISA/enhance 2015 branch_predict mcfarlin isca 8 cmu in_order_cpu Branch Vanguard: Decomposing Branch Functionality into Prediction and Resolution Instructions

JIT 1997 java cierniak

Just-in-time optimizations for high-performance Java programs

JIT 1997 java_vliw_processor ebcioglu
37 ibm
A JAVA ILP Machine Based on Fast Dynamic Compilation

JIT 1997 cacao_java_alpha krall

CACAO - A 64 bit JavaVM Just-in-Time Compiler

JIT 1998 cacao_java_efficient krall pact 142

Efficient JavaVM just-in-time compilation

JIT 1998 java_ia32 tabatabai pldi 206

Fast, effective code generation in a just-in-time Java compiler

JIT 1999 latte_java yang pact 116

LaTTe: a Java VM just-in-time compiler with fast and efficient register allocation

JIT 2003 intro aycock csur 313

A brief history of just-in-time

JIT 2006 testarossa_java sundaresan cgo 52

Experiences with Multi-threading and Dynamic Class Loading in a Java Just-In-Time Compiler

JIT 2008 llvm_sim brandner

Fast and Accurate Simulation using the LLVM Compiler Framework

JIT 2011 llvm_sim helmstetter imecs 6

Fast Instruction Set Simulation Using LLVM-based Dynamic Translation

JIT 2018 hhvm_php ottoni pldi 19 facebook
HHVM JIT: A Profile-Guided, Region-Based Compiler for PHP and Hack

JIT/opt 2000 jvm_profile whaley

A portable sampling-based profiler for Java virtual machines

JIT/opt 2001 lazy_background krintz spe 70

Reducing the overhead of dynamic compilation

JIT/opt 2003 region_based suganuma pldi 61

A Region-Based Compilation Technique for a Java Just-In-Time Compiler

JIT/opt 2004 exception_handling lee spe 31

Efficient Java Exception Handling in Just-in-Time Compilation

JIT/opt 2009 js_trace_based gal pldi 342

Trace-based just-in-time type specialization for dynamic languages

JIT/opt 2009 js_trace_based ha

A Concurrent Trace-based Just-In-Time Compiler for JavaScript

JIT/opt 2011 from_method_to_trace inoue cgo 66

A Trace-based Java JIT Compiler Retrofitted from a Method-based Compiler

JIT/opt 2011 java_multicore kulkarni oopsla 31

JIT Compilation Policy for Modern Machines

JIT/opt 2011 trace_saving_space wu oopsla 9

Reducing trace selection footprint for large-scale Java applications without performance loss

JIT/opt 2019 low_latency kristien vee 0 ed
Mitigating JIT Compilation Latency in Virtual Execution Environments

Kernel/exo 1995 intro engler sosp 1259

Exokernel: An Operating Application-Level System Architecture Resource Management

Kernel/Linux 2002 rcu mckenney


Kernel/Linux 2016 sched_bug lozi eurosys 120

The Linux Scheduler: a Decade of Wasted Cores

Kernel/Linux 2020 rcu mckenney

RCU Usage In the Linux Kernel: Eighteen Years Later

Kernel/micro 1995 u_kernel lietdke sosp 308

On u-Kernel Construction

Kernel/micro 2013 l3_sel4 elphinstone sosp 126

From L3 to seL4 What Have We Learnt in 20 Years of L4 Microkernels?

Kernel/multi 2009 intro baumann sosp 856

The Multikernel: A new OS architecture for scalable multicore systems

Lang/IR 1991 ssa cytron toplas 2317

Lang/IR 2000 llvm lattner master_thesis 241

Lang/IR 2004 llvm lattner cgo 4340

Lang/IR 2013 importance chow

Lang/Lisp 1989 intro_sym_comp touretzky

Lang/SMT-LIB 2010 smt_lib_v2_ref barrett

Lang/SMT-LIB 2012 smt_lib_v2 cok

Lang/WebAsm 2017 intro haas pldi 194

Lang/WebAsm 2019 memory_model watt oopsla 6

Mem 2016 cat alglave

Syntax and semantics of the weak consistency model specification language cat

Mem 2020 consistency_test kirkham oopsla 0

Foundations of Empirical Memory Consistency Testing

Mem/model 2017 memalloy wickerson popl 77
test two mem model Automatically Comparing Memory Consistency Models

Characterizing 2004 simpoint hamerly sigmetrics_per 69

How to Use SimPoint to Pick Simulation Points
W Pwr 2008 efficiency

Computer Architecture Techniques for Power-Efficiency

Pwr 2009 mcpat li micro 2319 hp
McPAT: An Integrated Power, Area, and Timing Modeling Framework for Multicore and Manycore Architectures

Pwr 2011 mcpat li taco 180 hp
The McPAT Framework for Multicore and Manycore Architectures: Simultaneously Modeling Power, Area, and Timing

Pwr 2015 high_resolution oboril date 13 kit
High-Resolution Online Power Monitoring for Modern Microprocessors

Arch/Decoder 2016 x86_decoder hirki cooldc 16

Empirical Study of Power Consumption of x86-64 Instruction Decoder

security 2017 vm_mem_disclosure wwwang vee 15 武成岗
RERANZ: A Light-Weight Virtual Machine to Mitigate Memory Disclosure Attacks

security 2019 re_random wwwang usenix_security 2 武成岗
SafeHidden: An Efficient and Secure Information Hiding Technique Using Re-randomization

Sim 1995 simos rosenblum

Complete computer system simulation: the SimOS approach

Sim 2002 simplescalar_interp austin

SimpleScalar: an infrastructure for computer system modeling

Sim 2002 simics magnusson

Simics: A full system simulation platform

Sim 2003 smarts wunderlich isca 351

SMARTS: accelerating microarchitecture simulation via rigorous statistical sampling

Sim 2004 simflex hardavellas perv 156

SimFlex: a fast, accurate, flexible full-system simulation framework for performance evaluation of server architecture

Sim 2005 gems martin carn 1612

Multifacet's general execution-driven multiprocessor simulator (GEMS) toolset

Sim 2006 giano_sw_hw_co forin

Giano: The Two-Headed System Simulator

Sim 2006 lse_high_level vachharajani tocs 42

The Liberty Simulation Environment: A Deliberate Approach to High-Level System Modeling

Sim 2006 simflex wenisch micro 343

SimFlex: Statistical Sampling of Computer System Simulation

Sim 2006 intro yi tc 97

Simulation of computer architectures: simulators, benchmarks, methodologies, and recommendations

Sim 2007 ptlsim_cycle_accurate yourst ispass 393

PTLsim: A Cycle Accurate Full System x86-64 Microarchitectural Simulator

Sim 2008 armiss lv icess 12

ARMISS: An Instruction Set Simulator for the ARM Architecture

Sim 2009 cotson argollo opsr 211

COTSon: infrastructure for full system simulation

Sim 2009 bt_acc gligor
69 tima
Using Binary Translation in Event Driven Simulation for Fast and Flexible MPSoC Simulation

Sim 2010 cotson ryckbosch micro 21

Fast, Accurate, and Validated Full-System Software Simulation of x86 Hardware

Sim 2011 marss_multicore patel dac 382

MARSSx86: A Full System Simulator for x86 CPUs

Sim 2014 error_analysis gutierrez ispass 110

Sources of error in full-system simulation

Sim 2017 bt_sampling kumar ispass 2 amd
DARTS: Performance-Counter Driven Sampling Using Binary Translators

Distro/Nix 2006 intro dolstra phd_thesis 128

The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model

Temp 2006 quantum_comp

Quantum Computing for Computer Architects

Temp 2006 transactional_mem

Transactional Memory

Temp 2009 fault_tolerant_arch

Fault Tolerant Computer Architecture

Temp 2009 on_chip_networks

On-Chip Networks

Temp 2009 reconf_supercomp

Introduction to Reconfigurable Supercomputing

Temp 2009 datacenter_design

The Datacenter as a Computer An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines
W Temp 2010 arch_perf_eval

Computer Architecture Performance Evaluation Methods

Temp 2010 transactional_mem

Transactional Memory 2nd edition

Temp 2010 uarch

Processor Microarchitecture An Implementation Perspective

Temp 2011 consistency_coherence

A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence

Temp 2011 multicore_cache

Multi-Core Cache Hierarchies
W Temp 2011 quantum_comp

Quantum Computing for Computer Architects Second Edition

Temp 2012 perf_tuning_gpgpu

Performance Analysis and Tuning for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU)

Temp 2013 arch_security

Security Basics for Computer Architects

Temp 2013 multithread_arch

Multithreading Architecture
W Temp 2013 arch_opt_model

Optimization and Mathematical Modeling in Computer Architecture

Temp 2013 shared_mem_sync

Shared-Memory Synchronization

Temp 2013 volt_var_resilient

Resilient Architecture Design for Voltage Variation
W Temp 2014 fpga_acc_sim

FPGA-Accelerated Simulation of Computer Systems

Temp 2014 hw_prefetch

A Primer on Hardware Prefetching

Temp 2015 analyzing_analytics

Analyzing Analytics

Temp 2015 customizable_comp

Customizable Computing
W Temp 2015 die_stacking_arch

Die-stacking Architecture

Temp 2015 hw_acc_research

Research Infrastructures for Hardware Accelerators

Temp 2015 mem_compression

A Primer on Compression in the Memory Hierarchy

Temp 2015 simd

Single-Instruction Multiple-Data Execution
W Temp 2017 virtual_mem

Architectural and Operating System Support for Virtual Memory

Temp 2017 deep_learning

Deep Learning for Computer Architects
W Temp 2017 hw_sw_virt

Hardware and Software Support for Virtualization

Temp 2017 on_chip_networks

On-Chip Networks Second Edition

Temp 2017 temporal_NN

Space-Time Computing with Temporal Neural Networks

Temp 2018 gpgpu_arch

General-Purpose Graphics Processor Architectures
W Temp 2018 heterogeneous_compile

Compiling Algorithmsfor Heterogeneous Systems

Temp 2018 secure_processor_arch

Principles of Secure Processor Architecture Design

Temp 2019 cache_replacement

Cache Replacement Policies

ISA/Semantics 2019 x64_validation dasgupta sigplan 24

A Complete Formal Semantics of x86-64 User-Level Instruction Set Architecture

ISA/Semantics 2021 sail armstrong manual

The Sail instruction-set semantics specification language

Virt 1988 386 smith programmers_journal

Virt 2000 intel_secure_vmm robin usenix_security 325

Virt 2002 esx waldspurger opsr 1402 vmware
Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server

Virt 2003 xen barham opsr 6475 cam
Xen and the Art of Virtualization

Virt 2006 cmp_soft_hard_x86 adams asplos 700

Virt 2006 intel_hw neiger

Virt 2007 dbt_hypervisors karollil

Virt 2007 kvm kivity

Virt 2012 dune belay osdi 215

Virt 2013 static_trans_vliw hamayun
5 tima
Native Simulation of Complex VLIW Instruction Sets using Static Binary Translation and Hardware-Assisted Virtualization

Virt 2013 ppc_embed mittal asplos 9 iitd
Efficient Virtualization on Embedded platforms Power Architecture

Virt/ 2003 xen paul sosp 5036

Xen and the Art of Virtualization

Virt/addr_trans 2014 espt chang vee 20 武成岗
Efficient Memory Virtualization for Cross-ISA System Mode Emulation

Virt/addr_trans 2015 opt_qemu_sys tong taco 6

Virt/addr_trans 2015 dual_tlb wang
0 lx
A Dual-TLB Method for MIPS Heterogeneous Virtualization

Virt/addr_trans 2015 dual_tlb wang master_thesis

Virt/addr_trans 2015 hspt wang vee 10

HSPT: Practical Implementation and Efficient Management of Embedded Shadow Page Tables for Cross-ISA System Virtual Machines

Virt/addr_trans 2018 1_qemu_dune_2_lkm faravelon doc_thesis 1

Acceleration of memory accesses in dynamic binary translation

Virt/addr_trans 2021 btmmu huang vee 0 lx
BTMMU: An Efficient and Versatile Cross-ISA Memory Virtualization

Virt/BT 2007 magixen chapman

MagiXen: Combining Binary Translation and Virtualization

Virt/BT 2016 cross_arch_captive spink taco 3

A Retargetable System-Level DBT Hypervisor

Virt/BT 2017 cross_arch_captive spink

Efficient Cross-architecture Hardware Virtualisation

Virt/BT 2019 cross_arch_captive spink usenix 1

Hardware-Accelerated Cross-Architecture Full-System Virtualization

deprecated/W.Survey 2019 fpga_deep_learning kaiyuan_guo trets 38

deprecated/W.Survey 2020 deep_conv_NN khan air 250

IndustryReport 2010 compile_virt_future bertin dac 9

Compilation and Virtualization in the HiPEAC vision

ISA/Uop 2001 ucache solomon islped 44

Micro-Operation Cache: A Power Aware Frontend for Variable Instruction Length ISA

ISA/Uop 2003 ucache solomon tvlsi 44

Micro-Operation Cache: A Power Aware Frontend for Variable Instruction Length ISA

ISA/Uop 1997 p6_microcode gwennap

P6 Microcode Can Be Patched

ISA/Uop 1990 nec_intel elkins

NEC v. Intel: A Guide to Using "Clean Room" Procedures as Evidence

ISA/Uop 2020 improve_ucache kotra micro 3

Improving the Utilization of Micro-operation Caches in x86 Processors

ISA/Uop 2019 reverse_engineer koppe usenix_security 16

Reverse Engineering x86 Processor Microcode

ISA/Semantics 2018 sail armstrong

Detailed Models of Instruction Set Architectures: From Pseudocode to Formal Semantics

ISA/Uop 2021 inst fog manual

Instruction tables: Lists of instruction latencies, throughputs and micro-operation breakdowns for Intel, AMD, and VIA CPUs

ISA/x86 2022 uarch fog manual

The microarchitecture of Intel, AMD, and VIA CPUs
. Mem/model 2012 arm_ppc maranget

A Tutorial Introduction to the ARM and POWER Relaxed Memory Models

ISA/Semantics 2015 sail gray micro 31

An integrated concurrency and core-ISA architectural envelope definition, and test oracle, for IBM POWER multiprocessors

ISA/Semantics 2014 lem mulligan icfp 79

Lem: reusable engineering of real-world semantics

ISA/Uop 1996 palcode

PALcode for Alpha Microprocessors System Design Guide

ISA/Semantics 2014 cakeml_x64 kumar popl 303

CakeML: A Verified Implementation of ML

BT 2014 申威 刘晓楠 doc_thesis


Algo/Graph 2002 inexact_match bengoetxea doc_thesis 107

Inexact Graph Matching Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

Algo/Graph 1998 distance bunke prl 775

A graph distance metric based on the maximal common subgraph

Algo/Graph 2016 survey yan icmr 108

A Short Survey of Recent Advances in Graph Matching

Algo/Graph 2021 igraphmatch qiao

iGraphMatch: an R Package for the Analysis of Graph Matching

ISA/Semantics 2013 locate lakhotia pprew 75

Fast location of similar code fragments using semantic 'juice'

Algo/Graph 2014 attributed zhang cvpr 19

Attributed Graph Mining and Matching: An Attempt to Define and Extract Soft Attributed Patterns

ISA/Semantics 2016 learn heule pldi 56

Stratified synthesis: automatically learning the x86-64 instruction set

Arch/HT 2016 mitigate_rop_attack venkat asplos 26

HIPStR: Heterogeneous-ISA Program State Relocation

Arch/Cache 2022 dsa_cache sedaghati isca 0

X-cache: a modular architecture for domain-specific caches

BT/oldProj 1994 shade cmelik sigmetrics 750

Shade: a fast instruction-set simulator for execution profiling

Arch/Cache 2009 prefetch_intro byna jcst 37

Taxonomy of Data Prefetching for Multicore Processors

BT/HW 2022 协处理器 余子濠 doc_thesis 0


Build/Disassemble 2016 accuracy andriesse usenix_security 112

An In-Depth Analysis of Disassembly on Full-Scale x86/x64 Binaries

BT/Mem/order 2022 sbt_tso_weak sprokholt pldi 0

Lasagne: A Static Binary Translator for Weak Memory Model Architectures

BT/Mem/order 2015 cmp_and_bt lustig isca 34

ArMOR: Defending Against Memory Consistency Model Mismatches in Heterogeneous Architectures

BT/algo/indirect_jump 2016 indirect_jump_mambox64 dantras taco 11

Optimizing Indirect Branches in Dynamic Binary Translators

BT/algo/indirect_jump 2007 evaluate hiser cgo 73

Evaluating indirect branch handling mechanisms in software dynamic translation systems

Arch/HT 2011 multi_isa karaki iceac 1

Multiple instruction sets architecture (MISA)

Arch 1996 tuning_pentium_pro papworth micro 147


ISA 2002 ildp kim isca 99

An Instruction Set and Microarchitecture for Instruction Level Distributed Processing

ISA/Fusion 2022 fuse_mem singh micro 0

Exploring Instruction Fusion Opportunities in General Purpose Processors

ISA/Fusion 2017 bt_fuse_riscv_x86 clark carrv 0

rv8: a high performance RISC-V to x86 binary translator

BT/HW 2020 co_design_arm32_riscv cheng carrv 0

Efficient Multiple-ISA Embedded Processor Core Design Based on RISC-V

ISA/Generated 1998 subset_sum choi iccad 92

Synthesis of Application Specific Instructions for Embedded DSP Software

ISA/Generated 2003 near_optimal_cuts atasu dac 363

Automatic Application-Specific Instruction-Set Extensions under Microarchitectural Constraints

ISA/Generated 2003 near_optimal_cuts atasu ijpp 363

Automatic Application-Specific Instruction-Set Extensions under Microarchitectural Constraints

ISA/Fusion/NonExec 2004 profile_minigraph bracy micro 69

Dataflow Mini-Graphs: Amplifying Superscalar Capacity and Bandwidth

ISA/Fusion/NonExec 2012 hw_dynamic lee master_thesis 0


ISA/Generated 2014 overview shrimal

Instruction Customization: A Challenge in ASIP Realization

ISA 2009 density weaver iccd 20

Code Density Concerns for New Architectures

BT/Mem/order 2023 dbt_tso_weak gouicem asplos 0

Risotto: A Dynamic Binary Translator for Weak Memory Model Architectures

ISA/Fusion/NonExec 2003 macroop_sched kim micro 61

Macro-op Scheduling: Relaxing Scheduling Loop Constraints

ISA 2000 inst_path_coproc chou isca 49

Instruction Path Coprocessors

Emulator/gem5 2019 valid_gem5_haswell akram pmbs 10

Validation of the gem5 Simulator for x86 Architectures

BT/HW 2013 fpga_co-design yao fpl 6

FPGA based hardware-software co-designed dynamic binary translation system

ISA/Fusion 1994 3_1_alu phillips tc 52

High-Performance 3-1 Interlock Collapsing ALU's

ISA/Fusion 2011 softhv deb cf 11

SoftHV : A HW/SW Co-designed Processor with Horizontal and Vertical Fusion

Emulator 2009 zesto loh ispass 126

Zesto: A Cycle-Level Simulator for Highly Detailed Microarchitecture Exploration

ISA/x86 2003 pentium_m gochman intel 193

The Intel Pentium M processor: Microarchitecture and performance

Emulator 2013 zsim sanchez isca 487

ZSim: fast and accurate microarchitectural simulation of thousand-core systems

Emulator 2015 valid_zsim

ZSim Tutorial Validation

BT/HW 2023 loongarch 胡伟武 计研发


BT/perf 2015 dynamorio_perf nimmakayala master_thesis 4

Exploring Causes of Performance Overhead During Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/perf 2008 dynamorio_pin_perf ruiz iiswc 14

Evaluating the impact of dynamic binary translation systems on hardware cache performance

BT/perf 2014 dynamorio_pin_valgrind rodriguez latamt 7

Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Frameworks

ISA/Uop 2021 ucache_secret ren isca 24

I See Dead µops: Leaking Secrets via Intel/AMD Micro-Op Caches

ISA/Fusion 2023 微译器融合 陶思成 本科


AI 2023 边缘端优化 周盈坤 博开题


OS/page_size 2011 multi_pgsz_vtlb zhang icnas 0

Performance Improvement for Multicore Processors Using Variable Page Technologies

OS/page_size 2002 multi_pgsz_linux winwood

Multiple Page Size Support in the Linux Kernel

OS/page_size 1998 multi_general ganapathy usenix 59

General Purpose Operating System Support for Multiple Page Sizes

OS/page_size 2006 survey_large wienand

A survey of large-page support

OS/page_size 2002 practical_subblock_tlb navarro osdi 191

Practical, transparent operating system support for superpages

OS/page_size 1994 4k_64k_subblock_tlb talluri asplos 253

Surpassing the TLB performance of superpages with less operating system support

OS/page_size 2015 super_skewed_tlb papadopoulou hpca 65

Prediction-based superpage-friendly TLB designs

OS/page_size 2004 multi_pgsz_skewed_tlb seznec tc 43

Concurrent support of multiple page sizes on a skewed associative TLB

Lang/functional 2019 os_shortcut douxz sosp 4

ShortCut: Accelerating Mostly-Deterministic Code Regions

Characterizing 2002 simpoint sherwood asplos 1791

Automatically Characterizing Large Scale Program Behavior

Checkpoint 2021 elfies patil cgo 7

ELFies: Executable Region Checkpoints for Performance Analysis and Simulation

Checkpoint 2022 looppoint sabu hpca 2

LoopPoint: Checkpoint-driven Sampled Simulation for Multi-threaded Applications

Checkpoint 2013 pinpoints patil hpca_t

Deterministic PinPoints: Representative and Repeatable Simulation Region Selection with PinPlay and Sniper

Checkpoint 2015 pinplay patil pldi_t

Using PinPlay for Reproducible Analysis and Replay Debugging

Checkpoint 2014 pinpoints patil isca_t

PinPoints: Simulation Region Selection with PinPlay and Sniper

Checkpoint 2016 pinplay patil pldi_t

Using PinPlay for Reproducible Analysis and Replay Debugging

Checkpoint 2022 looppoint_elfies sabu isca_t

LoopPoint and ELFies: Tools and Techniques to Accelerate Simulations of Multi-threaded Applications using Checkpointing

Checkpoint 2014 pinballs patil reproduce 10

Pinballs: Portable and Shareable User-level Checkpoints for Reproducible Analysis and Simulation

Checkpoint 2004 pinpoints patil micro 323

Pinpointing Representative Portions of Large Intel® Itanium® Programs with Dynamic Instrumentation

BT/rewrite/instru 2007 jit olszewski eurosys 34

JIT Instrumentation - A Novel Approach To Dynamically Instrument Operating Systems

BT/lift 2020 binrec altinay eurosys 21

BinRec: dynamic binary lifting and recompilation

ISA/Uop 2020 ucache amd patent


ISA/Uop 2009 uop_in_mem santana tc 0

DIA: A Complexity-Effective Decoding Architecture

BT/algo/indirect_jump 2020 mambo callaghan vee 1

Optimising Dynamic Binary Modification across 64-bit Arm Microarchitectures

Arch/Analysis 2014 top_down yasin ispass 232

A Top-Down Method for Performance Analysis and Counters Architecture

BT/perf 2020 dynamorio_overhead dey master_thesis 0

Analysis of Performance Overheads in DynamoRIO Binary Translator

BT/algo/indirect_jump 2011 indirect_jump hiser taco 76

Evaluating indirect branch handling mechanisms in software dynamic translation systems

BT/rewrite/instru 2004 dynamorio bruening doc_thesis 421

Efficient, transparent, and comprehensive runtime code manipulation

BT/rewrite/instru 2007 valgrind nethercote pldi 2619

Valgrind: a framework for heavyweight dynamic binary instrumentation

IndustryReport/Chip 2009 25_microchips santo spectrum 25

25 microchips that shook the world

BT/HW/VLIW/crusoe 2000 transmeta geppert spectrum 38

Transmeta's magic show

Vulnerability 2008 reversi wagner iccd 54

Reversi: Post-silicon validation system for modern microprocessors

Arch/PRF 2017 survey mittal ccpe 15

A survey of techniques for designing and managing CPU register file

Distro/Nix 2006 nixos hemel master_thesis

NixOS: the Nix based operating system

Arch/Issue 1996 quantify_complexity palacharla

Quantifying the Complexity of Superscalar Processors

Arch/Issue 1997 complexity palacharla isca 923

Complexity-effective superscalar processors

BT 2023 llvm_feedback yang appt 0

MFHBT: Hybrid Binary Translation System with Multi-stage Feedback Powered by LLVM

Arch/Issue 2000 pipeline_schedule stark micro 137

On Pipelining Dynamic Instruction Scheduling Logic
W JIT 2006 java_jni_bridge chen cgo 6

Java JNI Bridge: a framework for mixed native ISA execution

BT 2015 replay kedia doc_thesis 0

Efficient Deterministic Replay through Dynamic Binary Translation

BT/rewrite/instru 2007 pinos bungale vee 102

PinOS: A Programmable Framework for Whole-System Dynamic Instrumentation

Emulator 2020 cache_survey brais csur 12

A Survey of Cache Simulators

Debug 2017 record_replay ocallahan usenix 73

Engineering Record And Replay For Deployability

Emulator/gem5 2020 gem5_20 lowe-power arxiv 159

The gem5 Simulator: Version 20.0+

Emulator/gem5 2023 profiling_gem5 umeike ispass 2

Profiling gem5 Simulator

ISA/riscv 2011 riscv-c waterman master_thesis 13

Improving Energy Efficiency and Reducing Code Size with RISC-V Compressed

ISA/riscv 2016 riscv waterman doc_thesis 100

Design of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture

BT/HW 2022 la软件生态建设 胡伟武 信息通信


Arch/Decoder 2015 shrink_encoding_recycle lopes isca 19 unicamp
SHRINK: Reducing the ISA Complexity Via Instruction Recycling

Mem/model 2010 x86_tso sewell cacm 379

x86-TSO: a rigorous and usable programmer's model for x86 multiprocessors

Characterizing 2007 uarch_independent hoste micro 186

Microarchitecture-Independent Workload Characterization

BT/analysis 2024 btbench li ispass 0 龙芯
BTBench: A Benchmark for Comprehensive Binary Translation Performance Evaluation

BT/overview 2024 bt_survey 谢汶兵 软件学报


SoC/c910 2020 xt910 chen isca 64

Xuantie-910 A Commercial Multi-Core 12-Stage Pipe e Out-of-Order 64-bit High Performance RISC-V Processor

GPU 2023 riscv_skybox tine asplos 2

Skybox: Open-Source Graphic Rendering on Programmable RISC-V GPUs

GPU 2021 riscv_vortex tine micro 19

Vortex: Extending the RISC-V ISA for GPGPU and 3D-Graphics

BT/overview 2024 dbt_survey 张锦 计科探


BT/libWrap 2019 lib 傅立国 计研发
