# Stanford EE392C Reading List

注1该阅读清单来自stanford的Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture: Chip Multiprocessors & Polymorphic Processors课程。


Papers for each topic are classified in the following categories

  • (R)required reading for the corresponding lectures
  • (B) – background reading on the specific topic
  • (F) – further reading on the specific topic

Technology & Architecture Background

(All papers on this topic are background & further reading. The main issues will be discussed in the first lecture.)

Data-parallel Architectures

Multi-threaded Architectures

Speculative Multithreading

Emerging Applications

This topic will be studied as part of a homework assignment. Links to background papers will be available after the corresponding class meeting.

Proposed CMP/Polymorphic Architectures (2 lectures)

  • (R-I) K. Mai, T. Paaske, N. Jayasena, R. Ho, W. Dally, M. Horowitz. Smart Memories: A Modular Reconfigurable Architecture. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Vancouver, BC, June 2000.
  • (R-I) D. Burger, S. Keckler, et. al. Exploiting ILP, DLP, and TLP Using Polymorphism in the TRIPS Processor. Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), San Diego, CA, June 2003.
  • (R-II) S. Goldstein, H. Schmit, M. Budiu, S. Cadambi, M. Moe, R. Taylor. PipeRench: A Reconfigurable Architecture and Compiler. IEEE Computer, Volume: 33 Issue: 4, April 2000.
  • (R-II) W. Lee, R. Barua, M. Frank, D. Srikrishna, J. Babb, V. Sarkar, S. Amarasinghe. Space-Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), San Jose, CA, October 1998.

Programming Models

Virtual Machines

On-line Profiling Techniques

Dynamic Compilation (2 lectures)

Fault Tolerance & Reliability Techniques

Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Systems

Last Lecture (TBD)